Monday, November 23, 2009

World History Mid Term Study Guide

Here is the link to the Study Guide
  1. Feel free to come see with any questions
  2. You should begin going through the guide and your older class materials to se if you have questions or concerns.
  3. I strongly encourage ALL students to see me for study and review sessions.
  4. When you come to see me have your study guide prepared as much as possible.

Note: I can not help you review I you do not have any material with you to review. Make an attempt and then I'll be more than welcome to help.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Greatest Collection of Model UN Info

This link to this site has information on writing resolutions, researching topics, finding resolution ideas.

I will be available in SSH and after school on Tuesday 11/10, Wednesday11/11, and Thursday 11/12 for help writing resolutions

Self Eval Test

Link to Eval

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

General topics for test questions

I. Topic selection process?
How did you choose?
What would you do differently? The same?
II. Research
Describe the research process.
How well do you know the Library and its resources?
How and how well did you keep track of resources?
Overall positives and negatives
What would you do differently? The same?
III. Power point
How did you decide content?
Describe process. Group and individual.
Break down the process.
What would you do differently? The same?
IV. Creative
Group or individual? Why?
How did you decide what to do?
Describe the positives and negatives of the creative project.
How was;
i. Communication
ii. Planning
iii. Execution
iv. Follow up
v. Work load
What would you do differently? The same?
V. What did you learn about yourself as a researcher?
What questions do still have?
VI.Give yourself a grade from start to finish and justify your reason for it.
Topic selection
The answering of the questions.
Power Point creation and presentation
Creative project