Have either three notes cards with exactly what will be on the power point slide OR a typed sheet of paper that looks like the following;
Slide 1
Info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info
Slide 2
Info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info
Slide 3
Slide information
Remember that what you write on the card is exactly what will go on the power point slide.
1. Each group member is responsible for three slides.
2. Two slides of information
- You are encouraged to use info from the five project questions that you completed before fall break on you slides.
- Images, pictures, and diagrams are allowed and encouraged
- You will not just read off the slide, the slide is the highlight and you will explain to the class what the slide info means and why it is important.
3. One slide of resources
- These will eventually be put all together at the end of the power point for a formal group bibliography.
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