Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Questions for the Silk Road Reading

1. It took years for Silk Road travelers and merchants, like Zhang Qian and Marco Polo, to reach their destinations. What kinds of preparations would have been needed at that time for such a journey? What sorts of resources would need to be available along the way for the trade routes to function successfully?

2. In 1998, world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma brought together scholars, musicians, and others to form a foundation known as the Silk Road Project. The purpose of the project is to share music and other performing arts from all the cultures represented by the Silk Road. Yo-Yo Ma has called the ancient Silk Road the "Internet of antiquity." Discuss what you think he means by that metaphor.

3. Suppose that the Han dynasty, the Tang dynasty, and the Mongol Empire had been more like the Ming dynasty, which promoted isolationism. How do you think history might have been different?

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